Everyone is on their way to becoming better versions of themselves and we start this journey every morning. Mornings play an important role in shaping our mindset and mood for the rest of the day and helping people get that right is where we wanted to come in!

The vision of the company and its founders is to bring the best specialty products to you that not only support your lifestyle but also improve it. 

Draft is named so because we are all works in progress and we want to be your first draft towards a better day and better life. 

Your body is the happiest when it’s nourished and well cared for. We believe that being mindful about what we feed it everyday is the secret to a better life.

While nutrition is important, we also understand that life is best with variety and taste! To begin with, we bring you muesli that’s healthy and delicious, making the mindfulness a lot more easy on your part! And in the future, we want to involve you in what you’d like to see next! 

Carry a pack of Draft muesli with you any time you end up skipping breakfast. We promise that you won’t have a cranky day again!

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